Wine, Design...And You!

Do you love combining wine and design? Me too! That's why I love my [the original] Wine and Design Events. You provide the venue (your home, typically) and wine; I provide the design. Sound like a fun way to get together with friends? Read on!

If you're interested in home decor, understand that quality makes a difference, and want to learn about what "custom" really means (and what's available), then you will love hosting a Wine & Design event! Wondering whom to invite? Wine & Design guests fall across a spectrum. Some may be potential customers who schedule a decorative consult the next day! Others might want to order custom draperies, slipcovers, or upholstery. Others may simply love the opportunity for a night out - "another glass of wine, please" - and just "file" the information away for a future date if custom isn't on their "need right now" list of priorities.

Photo description: Storibook Designs
pillow face sample showcasing fusible applique technique

No matter where they're at, everyone enjoys the creative ideas and new-found understanding of what custom really means and is. Seeing and touching the product is the best way to do that; it's the only way to really showcase custom workmanship and fine detail.

Photo description: Storibook Designs
Embellishment sample showcasing fabric origami technique

People don't have to feel like they have to place an order, though. No; that's not what this is about. This isn't a Tupperware party, and I say this with no disrespect (because I love my Tupperware). These events are a chance for me to share things I love -- enjoyable events where I often make new friends, new "fans," and yes, some new customers.

So what are my requirements? I just ask that at least six homeowners be in attendance. And since I can't legally provide the wine, that one's up to you, too. That's it!

As a fabulous incentive for hosts, I'm so excited to offer up to 50% off the labor of a gorgeous custom ottoman -- a huge savings! I can't think of anyone who couldn't use and enjoy a custom ottoman. Can you?!

So do you think hosting a Wine and Design event is for you? Please send me a note at if you're interested so we can get your date on the calendar!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, my memory is a topic of many a conversation, because I recall so much and in amazing detail. My former boss' husband used to laugh and say I "had the memory of an elephant". :-)

  3. I'm sorry,my comment above was to a posting b y Rose from Shrwsbury that stated, "Rose had commentedI read your 'about me' section and am impressed with your sewing abilities and the crazy you have for it since toddler hood! How on earth do you remember what you aid to your mom at that age?? I mean you were just a toddler ! Anyway it was painful to read about the injury of your lil finger by the sewing needle."

    Sorry Rose, the bottom of your comment included an embedded link to a spammy, unrelated and unsecure site [not yours] and therefore had to be removed so other readers would not make the mistake of clicking on it.


Did I ever tell you how much I love your comments? I really do love hearing your thoughts after reading posts? Lets me know people are reading and helps us keep the conversation going!! ~ Thank you!

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