What Color is Your "Happy Place"?

Did you know that I guest posted over at Authentic Living Interiors? About a year ago I met Randi DeStefano through Twitter...then Facebook...you know how all that goes, right? Well, I was delighted when Randi asked if I would guest post on her blog.

So please, hop on over and check it out and be sure to take the time to get to know Randi while you're there!

My post is about making sure your home is your "happy place." One of the most critical elements to make that happen is knowing what colors work for you by identifying your color comfort zone.

Is Mardi Gras your thing?

Spring Fling?


or Horizon?

Where do you fall? Please, stop on over at Randi's to read the full post and let us know your thoughts! It was a delight to prepare this post for Randi and stay tuned, I do believe we have another one in the works!

1 comment:

  1. Boards were created with the help of Olioboard. I'm listed there under http://olioboard.com/users/sdevon


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